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Sometimes we need to escape from reality and disguise with masks that do not touch reality with anything, we flee away to unknown destinations and we only ask to leave those pressures that we live in from time to time, we ride with the first ship to cross the ocean of pressures, to escape from the responsibilities surrounding us, hoping that Our new face will be free from the family or even social pressures that were forced upon us. However, the snow of the mountain of illusion soon melts, and the picture becomes clear that every beginning has an end, and you cannot begin again if you do not finish the foregoing, facing those responsibilities and disappointments. It is the best solution to get rid of those conflicting and accumulated feelings, without feeling anything...
Praise be to God who wrote for us the beginnings and ends of our stories, and made dreams come true for us with His grace, and others with His wisdom, and prevented others by His mercy. Praise be to Him for many blessings you know, and yes More do not know, thank God for the obvious goodness and generous giving.. and hidden kindness, praise be to God the changer of conditions.. Praise be to God who by his grace good deeds are completed..
Praise be to God who wrote for us the beginnings and ends of our stories, and made dreams come true for us with His grace, and others with His wisdom, and prevented others by His mercy. Praise be to Him for many blessings you know, and yes More do not know, thank God for the obvious goodness and generous giving.. and hidden kindness, praise be to God the changer of conditions.. Praise be to God who by his grace good deeds are completed..
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Sometimes we need to escape from reality and disguise with masks that do not touch reality with anything, we flee away to unknown destinations and we only ask to leave those pressures that we live in from time to time, we ride with the first ship to cross the ocean of pressures, to escape from the responsibilities surrounding us, hoping that Our new face will be free from the family or even social pressures that were forced upon us. However, the snow of the mountain of illusion soon melts, and the picture becomes clear that every beginning has an end, and you cannot begin again if you do not finish the foregoing, facing those responsibilities and disappointments. It is the best solution to get rid of those conflicting and accumulated feelings, without feeling anything...
Praise be to God who wrote for us the beginnings and ends of our stories, and made dreams come true for us with His grace, and others with His wisdom, and prevented others by His mercy. Praise be to Him for many blessings you know, and yes More do not know, thank God for the obvious goodness and generous giving.. and hidden kindness, praise be to God the changer of conditions.. Praise be to God who by his grace good deeds are completed..
Praise be to God who wrote for us the beginnings and ends of our stories, and made dreams come true for us with His grace, and others with His wisdom, and prevented others by His mercy. Praise be to Him for many blessings you know, and yes More do not know, thank God for the obvious goodness and generous giving.. and hidden kindness, praise be to God the changer of conditions.. Praise be to God who by his grace good deeds are completed..
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