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According to financial training expert T. Harv Ecker considers money to be a unique phenomenon that only needs to be properly understood in order to be able to absorb it. In Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, the author shows us that our past financial system greatly influences the way we deal with money and our likelihood of getting rich. the recipient. Ecker calls the subconscious image of wealth a “financial planner” and explains that what we have learned about money from our parents determines the way we deal with it today, whether we are aware of it or not.
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OMR 3.2
Easy Payment Plan
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According to financial training expert T. Harv Ecker considers money to be a unique phenomenon that only needs to be properly understood in order to be able to absorb it. In Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, the author shows us that our past financial system greatly influences the way we deal with money and our likelihood of getting rich. the recipient. Ecker calls the subconscious image of wealth a “financial planner” and explains that what we have learned about money from our parents determines the way we deal with it today, whether we are aware of it or not.
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